Thursday, October 7, 2010

CCGP- A message from Lillian


If you are receiving this email your school currently has a CCG program or you have filed a letter of intent to come on board with a CCG program this year. As the USOE CCGP specialist my role is to support you in your efforts to run your CCG program. As the USOE CCGP specialist, I like to meet with counselors from charter schools with a CCG program once per year. I have scheduled November 16th for our annual meeting. This meeting will be here at USOE from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm in room 241. I will address questions you may have and give you updates on the latest materials regarding Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Programs. There are some news items for FY11 that you need to be aware for your program and funding.

I invite one school counselor or representative per school to attend this meeting. Please make sure you have a representative attend this meeting. Again this meeting is for charter school that already have an excising CCG program or filed a letter of intent last year.

I look forward to see you on November 16th.

Lillian Tsosie-Jensen

Secondary Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Program Specialist

Utah State Office of Education

250 East 500 South

P.O. Box 144200

Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200


(801)538-7868 Fax

Monday, October 4, 2010

RMACAC College Fair

The College Fair put on by RMACAC will be held at Jaun Diego Private School in SLC on Saturday October 23rd. For those students who are interested and who will NOT be taking the ACT that morning, they are welcome to come to workshops put on by the different universities. There is also a workshop put on by Bruce Hunter and Bruce Brewer to help students better understand how they can be more prepared and organized when it comes to College Application. This will be an all day event so students are more than welcome to come up after the ACT and look around and meet College Reps. Please pass this word around.


The ACT Conferences are right around the corner once again! There will be one held up in SLC and also one held down in Cedar City. The one in SLC is October 20th at Westminster College and the conference in Cedar City will be held on October 21st at SUU.
****Special Reminder that the ACT will be given Nationally October23rd (Sat)

Breakfast @ th Hilton

Sign up to be treated to breakfast at the Hilton. This breakfast is put on by three schools from the East who would like to go over the admission process with School Counselors in the state of Utah. The date is October 18th at 8am at the SLC Hitlon.

Aspen Grove BYU Conference

The BYU Conference this year for School Counselors and Administrators will be held at Aspen Grove in Provo Utah. This Conference will go over Credit Articulation.